Brian Jason Prince
The Princeman
Man Stands with Eagle
Good hearted Warrior
“My good friend forever. He was so awesome about what he knows. I enjoy every time that I see him when he was at the men’s group on Wednesdays. I’ve learned a lot from him; how to cut moose meat up”
“Well, we talk about a Circle of All Nations, and M brought those Cree teachings, right? You know, the nice thing about is that we hear some of those origin stories whether it be in the lodge, on the land while we’re out snowshoeing. But the relativeness and the similarities in those stories, and how they matched up to stories we've heard from our communities were very cool to hear. Right? But again, he was so rich in that knowledge, even as a man who spent so much time in the military, he was so grounded and rooted in who he was as a Cree man, and that’s strong stuff.” (Yellow Eagle with Good Voice/Wanbdi Zee Ho Washte/Blue Sky/Oozowaskwo Geezik)
Yellow Bird
“A yellow bird. I was looking around and this yellow bird was in the tree. It didn't even move. At the East. A nice photo.”
“Me and Murray were sitting outside by the fire, watching it when he was in his fast. And when we were just sitting, we could see this little yellow bird going back and forth. And Murray was just kind of looking, we were like, me and Murray, “What’s going on?” and Murray said, “Yeah, that’s okay. That bird is going to check on Yellow Eagle with Good Voice/Wanbdi Zee Ho Washte/Blue Sky/Oozowaskwo Geezik and come back. And uh, when Yellow Eagle with Good Voice/Wanbdi Zee Ho Washte/Blue Sky/Oozowaskwo Geezik got out of his fast, he mentioned that to us. You know, that a little yellow bird came and seen him. So that's pretty neat. I thought that was pretty cool. Pretty cool”. (Black Bear Warrior/Makade makwa ogighidaa)
“There's a lot of us keeping fire while Yellow Eagle with Good Voice/Wanbdi Zee Ho Washte/Blue Sky/Oozowaskwo Geezik was fasting and searching for vision. And a lot of us were praying for him, for us, putting tobacco on that fire. And those little birds weren't the only ones, but they sing, they pray at the same time, they come in and watch. And you'll hear them. Just, to me, that's a prayer. And so when that little bird went over there, and Black Bear Warrior/Makade makwa ogighidaa and I, it was kind of- you almost, you know, it's kind of funny, because we talked about it. And then J talked about it. And we just looked at each other and smiled and said, so you know, that's a relative looking after him”. (Murray)
I done these myself
“Pic of my painting and drum. Awesome things I learned at the men's group.”
Sun God
“One of my paintings. Painted a Sun God, love painting art.”
Awesome Sundown
“Pic of the sunset at the East site. I was a Fire Keeper. Sat by the fire. It’s a nice feeling taking pics at the East site that night. Seen a lot of things in the sky, plus a lot of birds. Nice sunset at night.”